Easy Street!

Friday, October 26, 2012

What's in a Blog? (or what I am doing here?)

Well, what am I doing in blog-land?

I have been quilting for a little over a year and have recently been learning a lot of "tricks of the trade", if you will.  I'm also working on projects to force me to sew blocks I might never have thought of doing and to force me to be quite precise.

So - I thought I would record some of my musings to try to remember some of these tips as I go.  It will be nice to have a record of what I'm working on as well.

In between quilting, I do a little photography and a little other crafting.  Sometimes I just muse.

Let's create!

1 comment:

  1. So, you have succumbed to this vice as well I see. This is wonderful.
