Easy Street!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Easy Street Progress

I am plugging away at the Easy Street mystery quilt construction.  I have all my pieces separated into what will be used for each block.  I have all of the corner and side triangles and 3 of Block A completed.  4 more of block A are ready for final assembly, and still have 9 more Block As and 9 Block Bs to do.  It may take a month or I may get it done over this week and the weekend.  It depends on what else I get myself into!

To see the progress others have made click here:  http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2013/01/mystery-monday-link-up-jan-7th.html


  1. Looking good - and you've made so much more progress than I have. My components are complete, but.... I guess I was making merry this holiday season. :) Need to do some catching up on GC as well! Great job on your Easy Street!

    1. Thanks! I'm liking the layout and colors. This was much of my merry-making this year as not much family was around. Now I am trying to get a few seams sewn daily to keep up the momentum! You'll catch up - there's no hurry, right? :-)

    2. Your Easy Street is looking fantastic. It's been fun working on this with quilters from all over the world.
